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MoldovaSpotlight Report



Spotlight Report on the Implementation of SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation in the Republic of Moldova

As an agricultural nation, the provision of water and sanitation services is of great importance for Moldova, not only in urban areas but also in rural regions. The report focuses on the challenges related to SDG 6, pointing to shortcomings in sanitation, especially in rural and low-income areas, Moldova’s dependence on external rivers, fragmented governance and the need for clearer regulations. With their recommendations, the authors emphasize the importance of addressing inequalities in access, improving policy coordination and adopting data-driven strategies for SDG 6 and the 2030 Agenda more broadly.

The “Spotlight Report on the Implementation of SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation in the Republic of Moldova” is the result of cooperation between the Partnership for Development Centre and Dekabristen e.V. (Germany), with support from the German Federal Foreign Office.

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SDG LENS. Monitoring Sustainable Development in Eastern Europe & South Caucasus is a capacity-building program for civic actors, representatives of NGOs and grassroots initiatives, researchers and experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

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